Who will win between Colo-Colo vs O'Higgins? Below is our analysis of all the head to head stats between the 2 teams, and our prediction of various game outcomes including BTTS, Over / Under and most likely match score.

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Venue Name Estadio Monumental David Arellano
Venue Name Estadio El Teniente
Capacity 47347
Capacity 14450
City Santiago de Chile
City Rancagua
Coach Jorge Francisco Almirón Quintana
Coach Victor Fuentes
Current Top Score Esteban Efraín
Current Top Score Néstor Fabián
Head To Head
Last 34 Matches
15 Wins
10 Draws
9 Wins

No Upcoming Matches Available.


No Upcoming Matches Available.


Colo-Colo Vs O'Higgins Season Stats

Performance Summary Colo-Colo O'Higgins
Wins Total 21 8
Wins Home 12 3
Wins Away 9 5
Draws Total 4 7
Draws Home 0 5
Draws Away 4 2
Losses Total 5 15
Losses Home 3 7
Losses Away 2 8
Total Goals Scored 49 34
Home Goals Scored 27 12
Away Goals Scored 22 22
Total Goals Conceded 21 53
Home Goals Conceded 10 28
Away Goals Conceded 11 25
Clean Sheet Total 14 5
Clean Sheet Home 6 3
Clean Sheet Away 8 2
Failed To Score Total 7 11
Failed To Score Home 3 7
Failed To Score Away 4 4
Avg Goals Scored Total 1.63 1.13
Avg Goals Scored Home 1.8 0.8
Avg Goals Scored Away 1.47 1.47
Avg Goals Conceded 0.7 1.77
Avg Goals Conceded Home 0.67 1.87
Avg Goals Conceded Away 0.73 1.67
Avg 1st Goal Scored Total 42m 47m
Avg 1st Goal Scored Home 43m 49m
Avg 1st Goal Scored Away 41m 45m
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Total 39m 33m
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Home 48m 38m
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Away 31m 29m
Goals Scoring Minutes Colo-Colo O'Higgins
0-15 6 (12.2%) 4 (11.8%)
15-30 4 (8.2%) 2 (5.9%)
30-45 9 (18.4%) 8 (23.5%)
45-60 7 (14.3%) 4 (11.8%)
60-75 11 (22.4%) 7 (20.6%)
75-90 12 (24.5%) 9 (26.5%)
Goals Conceded Minutes Colo-Colo O'Higgins
0-15 3 (14.3%) 9 (17%)
15-30 4 (19%) 7 (13.2%)
30-45 5 (23.8%) 8 (15.1%)
45-60 1 (4.8%) 9 (17%)
60-75 7 (33.3%) 9 (17%)
75-90 1 (4.8%) 11 (20.8%)
Combined Match Stats Colo-Colo O'Higgins
Attacks Total 3491 2837
Dangerous Attacks 1535 1319
Avg Possession % 65.47 46.40
Fouls Total 291 393
Av Fouls / Game 9.70 13.10
Offside Total 34 43
Red Cards Total 8 12
Yellow Cards Total 69 91
Shots Blocked Total 101 99
Shots Off Target Total 184 184
Avg Shots Off Target Total 6.13 6.13
Shots On Target Total 163 133
Avg Shots On Target Total 5.43 4.43
Corners Total 174 161
Avg Corners 5.80 5.37
BTTS 36.67 50
Player Rating Per Match(Av) 0 0
Tackles Total 0 0
Total Match Goals Percentages Colo-Colo O'Higgins
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 100 86.67 93.33 100
Over 1.5 80 53.33 80 80
Over 2.5 46.67 46.67 53.33 60
Over 3.5 13.33 20 33.33 53.33
Over 4.5 6.67 13.33 6.67 20
Over 5.5 0 0 0 0
Under 0.5 0 13.33 6.67 0
Under 1.5 20 46.67 20 20
Under 2.5 53.33 53.33 46.67 40
Under 3.5 86.67 80 66.67 46.67
Under 4.5 93.33 86.67 93.33 80
Under 5.5 100 100 100 100
Colo-Colo Vs O'Higgins Past Matches

Colo-Colo Vs O'Higgins Match Stats

Performance Summary Colo-Colo O'Higgins
Total Shots 14 9
Blocked Shots 3 4
Inside Box Shots 7 3
Outside Box Shots 7 6
Total Passes 461 320
Accurate Passes 352 207
Pass Accuracy % 76.36 64.69
Total Attacks 103 90
Dangerous Attacks 29 26
Total Fouls 12 12
Total Corners 3 7
Total Offsides 1 1
Possession Time 58 42
Total Yellow Cards 4 3
Total Red Cards 0 1
Yellow Red Cards 0 1
Total Saves 1 3
Total Substitutions 5 5
Total Goal Kicks 5 11
Total Goal Attampts 11 4
Total Free Kicks N/A N/A
Total Throw Ins 24 23
Ball Safe 122 115
Goals 2 1
Penalties 1 0
Injuries 2 2

Colo-Colo Vs O'Higgins Comparision

Top Scorer Carlos Palacios(7) Bryan Rabello(5)
Top Assists Cristian Zavala(7) Arnaldo Castillo Benega(3)
Most Appearances Leonardo Gil(25) Moises González Torres(29)
Most Mins Played Erick Wiemberg(2102) Leonel Mosevich(2248)
Most Cards Alan Gabriel Saldivia Vázquez(7) Juan Fuentes(8)

Colo-Colo Player Stats

Total players: 31
No player age
yellow card
red card
Jorge Francisco Almirón Quintana image Jorge Francisco Almirón Quintana
5 player 5 2 1720 - - -
11 player 11 6 1123 - - -
1 player 1 - 2067 - - -
8 player 8 1 1828 - - -
16 player 16 2 1557 - - -
21 player 21 3 2102 - - -
30 player 30 - 630 - - -
26 player 26 1 213 - - -
33 player 33 1 364 - - -
20 player 20 - 34 - - -

O'Higgins Player Stats

Total players: 31
No player age
yellow card
red card
Victor Fuentes image Victor Fuentes
23 player 23 1 822 - - -
10 player 10 5 2025 - - -
9 player 9 3 1513 - - -
27 player 27 1 250 - - -
5 player 5 3 1538 - - -
17 player 17 - 2207 - - -
1 player 1 - 1018 - - -
16 player 16 - 426 - - -
13 player 13 - 153 - - -
6 player 6 - 1790 - - -
Colo-Colo's Biggest Wins
O'Higgins's Biggest Wins
Competition Standings
Team P W D L GOALS pts
Colo-Colo logo Colo-Colo
30 21 4 5 49 67
Universidad Chile logo Universidad Chile
30 19 8 3 53 65
Deportes Iquique logo Deportes Iquique
30 14 6 10 53 48
Palestino logo Palestino
30 13 7 10 46 46
Universidad Católica logo Universidad Católica
30 13 7 10 44 46
Unión Española logo Unión Española
30 13 6 11 53 45
Everton logo Everton
30 12 9 9 47 45
Coquimbo Unido logo Coquimbo Unido
30 12 9 9 37 45
Ñublense logo Ñublense
30 11 7 12 40 40
Audax Italiano logo Audax Italiano
30 10 4 16 36 34
UEFA Champions League
UEFA Europa League
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