Who will win between Samtredia vs Liakhvi? Below is our analysis of all the head to head stats between the 2 teams, and our prediction of various game outcomes including BTTS, Over / Under and most likely match score.

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Samtredia Upcoming Match
Venue Name Stadioni Erosi Manjgaladze
Venue Name Sport-kompleksi Shatili
Capacity 4000
Capacity 2500
City Samtredia
City Tbilisi
Coach Vladimer Kakashvili
Coach Ivane Babutsidze
Current Top Score Budu
Current Top Score Zviad
Head To Head
Last 3 Matches
0 Wins
2 Draws
1 Wins

09 Nov 10:30 AM

Samtredia logo


Dinamo Tbilisi logo

Dinamo Tbilisi

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49.26% stats

23 Nov 10:00 AM

Samgurali logo


Samtredia logo


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56.15% stats

27 Nov 10:00 AM

Samtredia logo


Dila logo


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49.09% stats

No Upcoming Matches Available.


Samtredia Vs Liakhvi Season Stats

Performance Summary Samtredia Liakhvi
Wins Total 16 N/A
Wins Home 11 N/A
Wins Away 5 N/A
Draws Total 6 N/A
Draws Home 2 N/A
Draws Away 4 N/A
Losses Total 9 N/A
Losses Home 2 N/A
Losses Away 7 N/A
Total Goals Scored 47 N/A
Home Goals Scored 31 N/A
Away Goals Scored 16 N/A
Total Goals Conceded 33 N/A
Home Goals Conceded 9 N/A
Away Goals Conceded 24 N/A
Clean Sheet Total 11 N/A
Clean Sheet Home 7 N/A
Clean Sheet Away 4 N/A
Failed To Score Total 10 N/A
Failed To Score Home 3 N/A
Failed To Score Away 7 N/A
Avg Goals Scored Total 1.52 N/A
Avg Goals Scored Home 2.07 N/A
Avg Goals Scored Away 1 N/A
Avg Goals Conceded 1.06 N/A
Avg Goals Conceded Home 0.6 N/A
Avg Goals Conceded Away 1.5 N/A
Avg 1st Goal Scored Total 34m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Scored Home 31m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Scored Away 38m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Total 55m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Home 62m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Away 46m N/A
Goals Scoring Minutes Samtredia Liakhvi
0-15 8 (18.6%) -
15-30 7 (16.3%) -
30-45 6 (14%) -
45-60 10 (23.3%) -
60-75 5 (11.6%) -
75-90 7 (16.3%) -
Goals Conceded Minutes Samtredia Liakhvi
0-15 4 (12.5%) -
15-30 2 (6.3%) -
30-45 3 (9.4%) -
45-60 3 (9.4%) -
60-75 7 (21.9%) -
75-90 13 (40.6%) -
Combined Match Stats Samtredia Liakhvi
Attacks Total 2934 N/A
Dangerous Attacks 1664 N/A
Avg Possession % 45.40 N/A
Fouls Total 0 N/A
Av Fouls / Game 0.00 N/A
Offside Total 0 N/A
Red Cards Total 1 N/A
Yellow Cards Total 43 N/A
Shots Blocked Total 0 N/A
Shots Off Target Total 130 N/A
Avg Shots Off Target Total 4.19 N/A
Shots On Target Total 121 N/A
Avg Shots On Target Total 3.90 N/A
Corners Total 134 N/A
Avg Corners 4.32 N/A
BTTS 41.94 N/A
Player Rating Per Match(Av) 0 N/A
Tackles Total 0 N/A
Total Match Goals Percentages Samtredia Liakhvi
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 93.33 87.5 - -
Over 1.5 66.67 75 - -
Over 2.5 53.33 56.25 - -
Over 3.5 33.33 25 - -
Over 4.5 13.33 6.25 - -
Over 5.5 6.67 0 - -
Under 0.5 6.67 12.5 - -
Under 1.5 33.33 25 - -
Under 2.5 46.67 43.75 - -
Under 3.5 66.67 75 - -
Under 4.5 86.67 93.75 - -
Under 5.5 93.33 100 - -
Samtredia Vs Liakhvi Past Matches

Samtredia Vs Liakhvi Match Stats

Performance Summary Liakhvi Samtredia
Total Shots N/A N/A
Blocked Shots N/A N/A
Inside Box Shots N/A N/A
Outside Box Shots N/A N/A
Total Passes N/A N/A
Accurate Passes N/A N/A
Pass Accuracy % N/A N/A
Total Attacks N/A N/A
Dangerous Attacks N/A N/A
Total Fouls N/A N/A
Total Corners N/A N/A
Total Offsides N/A N/A
Possession Time N/A N/A
Total Yellow Cards N/A N/A
Total Red Cards N/A N/A
Yellow Red Cards N/A N/A
Total Saves N/A N/A
Total Substitutions N/A N/A
Total Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Total Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Total Free Kicks N/A N/A
Total Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe N/A N/A
Goals N/A N/A
Penalties N/A N/A
Injuries N/A N/A

Samtredia Vs Liakhvi Comparision

Top Scorer Dato Kirkitadze(8) N/A
Top Assists Giorgi Koripadze(4) N/A
Most Appearances C. Tchayi Tchamba(27) N/A
Most Mins Played Shalva Ekvtimishvili(2142) N/A
Most Cards Shalva Ekvtimishvili(8) N/A

Samtredia Player Stats

Total players: 29
No player age
yellow card
red card
Vladimer Kakashvili image Vladimer Kakashvili
15 player 15 1 809 - - -
25 player 25 - 1031 - - -
30 player 30 - 510 - - -
40 player 40 3 2329 - - -
18 player 18 1 1316 - - -
20 player 20 - 746 - - -
2 player 2 - 1496 - - -
1 player 1 - 1298 - - -
3 player 3 1 1416 - - -
38 player 38 - 626 - - -

Liakhvi Player Stats

Total players: 0
No player age
yellow card
red card
Ivane Babutsidze image Ivane Babutsidze
Samtredia's Biggest Wins
Liakhvi's Biggest Wins
Competition Standings
Team P W D L GOALS pts
Shukura logo Shukura
30 20 4 6 61 64
Spaeri logo Spaeri
29 16 6 7 62 54
Samtredia logo Samtredia
30 15 6 9 47 51
Merani Martvili logo Merani Martvili
30 14 6 10 67 48
Norchi Dinamo logo Norchi Dinamo
31 12 4 15 41 40
Gareji logo Gareji
30 10 7 13 45 37
Rustavi logo Rustavi
30 7 5 18 43 26
WIT Georgia logo WIT Georgia
29 5 7 17 35 22
Zugdidi logo Zugdidi
10 2 3 5 13 9
Shevardeni 1906 logo Shevardeni 1906
7 3 0 4 9 9
UEFA Champions League
UEFA Europa League
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