Who will win between Gyeongju Citizen vs Cheongju City? Below is our analysis of all the head to head stats between the 2 teams, and our prediction of various game outcomes including BTTS, Over / Under and most likely match score.

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Venue Name Gyeongju Citizen Stadium
Venue Name Chonan Soccer Center Main Stadium
Capacity 12199
Capacity 32000
City Gyeongju
City Cheonan
Coach Dae-Keon Kim
Current Top Score Ui-Hyeok
Current Top Score
Head To Head
Last 14 Matches
6 Wins
5 Draws
3 Wins
Gyeongju Citizen's UPCOMING MATCHES

No Upcoming Matches Available.


No Upcoming Matches Available.


Gyeongju Citizen Vs Cheongju City Season Stats

Performance Summary Gyeongju Citizen Cheongju City
Wins Total 14 N/A
Wins Home 8 N/A
Wins Away 6 N/A
Draws Total 4 N/A
Draws Home 1 N/A
Draws Away 3 N/A
Losses Total 4 N/A
Losses Home 2 N/A
Losses Away 2 N/A
Total Goals Scored 36 N/A
Home Goals Scored 20 N/A
Away Goals Scored 16 N/A
Total Goals Conceded 21 N/A
Home Goals Conceded 8 N/A
Away Goals Conceded 13 N/A
Clean Sheet Total 8 N/A
Clean Sheet Home 4 N/A
Clean Sheet Away 4 N/A
Failed To Score Total 7 N/A
Failed To Score Home 3 N/A
Failed To Score Away 4 N/A
Avg Goals Scored Total 1.64 N/A
Avg Goals Scored Home 1.82 N/A
Avg Goals Scored Away 1.45 N/A
Avg Goals Conceded 0.95 N/A
Avg Goals Conceded Home 0.73 N/A
Avg Goals Conceded Away 1.18 N/A
Avg 1st Goal Scored Total 0m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Scored Home 0m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Scored Away 0m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Total 0m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Home 0m N/A
Avg 1st Goal Conceded Away 0m N/A
Goals Scoring Minutes Gyeongju Citizen Cheongju City
0-15 0 (0%) -
15-30 0 (0%) -
30-45 0 (0%) -
45-60 0 (0%) -
60-75 0 (0%) -
75-90 0 (0%) -
Goals Conceded Minutes Gyeongju Citizen Cheongju City
0-15 0 (0%) -
15-30 0 (0%) -
30-45 0 (0%) -
45-60 0 (0%) -
60-75 0 (0%) -
75-90 0 (0%) -
Combined Match Stats Gyeongju Citizen Cheongju City
Attacks Total 0 N/A
Dangerous Attacks 0 N/A
Avg Possession % 0.00 N/A
Fouls Total 0 N/A
Av Fouls / Game 0.00 N/A
Offside Total 0 N/A
Red Cards Total 0 N/A
Yellow Cards Total 0 N/A
Shots Blocked Total 0 N/A
Shots Off Target Total 0 N/A
Avg Shots Off Target Total 0.00 N/A
Shots On Target Total 0 N/A
Avg Shots On Target Total 0.00 N/A
Corners Total N/A N/A
Avg Corners N/A N/A
BTTS 100 N/A
Player Rating Per Match(Av) N/A N/A
Tackles Total N/A N/A
Total Match Goals Percentages Gyeongju Citizen Cheongju City
Home Away Home Away
Over 0.5 72.73 63.64 - -
Over 1.5 72.73 45.45 - -
Over 2.5 18.18 18.18 - -
Over 3.5 9.09 18.18 - -
Over 4.5 9.09 0 - -
Over 5.5 0 0 - -
Under 0.5 9.09 27.27 - -
Under 1.5 18.18 36.36 - -
Under 2.5 45.45 45.45 - -
Under 3.5 81.82 72.73 - -
Under 4.5 100 72.73 - -
Under 5.5 100 81.82 - -
Gyeongju Citizen Vs Cheongju City Past Matches

Gyeongju Citizen Vs Cheongju City Match Stats

Performance Summary Gyeongju Citizen Cheongju City
Total Shots N/A N/A
Blocked Shots N/A N/A
Inside Box Shots N/A N/A
Outside Box Shots N/A N/A
Total Passes N/A N/A
Accurate Passes N/A N/A
Pass Accuracy % N/A N/A
Total Attacks N/A N/A
Dangerous Attacks N/A N/A
Total Fouls N/A N/A
Total Corners N/A N/A
Total Offsides N/A N/A
Possession Time N/A N/A
Total Yellow Cards N/A N/A
Total Red Cards N/A N/A
Yellow Red Cards N/A N/A
Total Saves N/A N/A
Total Substitutions N/A N/A
Total Goal Kicks N/A N/A
Total Goal Attampts N/A N/A
Total Free Kicks N/A N/A
Total Throw Ins N/A N/A
Ball Safe N/A N/A
Goals N/A N/A
Penalties N/A N/A
Injuries N/A N/A
Recently Played
Gyeongju Citizen logo
Gyeongju Citizen

No Matches Available.

Cheongju City logo
Cheongju City

No Matches Available.

Gyeongju Citizen Vs Cheongju City Comparision

PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Gyeongju Citizen Cheongju City
Top Scorer N/A N/A
Top Assists N/A N/A
Most Appearances N/A N/A
Most Mins Played N/A N/A
Most Cards N/A N/A

Gyeongju Citizen Player Stats

Total players: 22
No player age
yellow card
red card
Dae-Keon Kim image Dae-Keon Kim
player - - - - -
player - 1890 - - -
player - - - - -
player - 540 - - -
player - 566 - - -
player - 532 - - -
player - 7 - - -
player - 1359 - - -
player 1 197 - - -
player - - - - -

Cheongju City Player Stats

Total players: 0
No player age
yellow card
red card
Gyeongju Citizen's Biggest Wins
Cheongju City's Biggest Wins
Competition Standings
Team P W D L GOALS pts
Hwaseong logo Hwaseong
22 16 2 4 44 50
Gyeongju Citizen logo Gyeongju Citizen
22 14 4 4 36 46
Gimpo logo Gimpo
22 12 6 4 28 42
Yangpyeong logo Yangpyeong
22 13 2 7 42 41
Pocheon logo Pocheon
22 12 3 7 30 39
Paju Citizen logo Paju Citizen
22 11 2 9 30 35
Siheung Citizen logo Siheung Citizen
22 8 5 9 22 29
Cheongju logo Cheongju
22 8 4 10 29 28
Icheon Citizen logo Icheon Citizen
22 7 6 9 27 27
Chuncheon logo Chuncheon
22 4 3 15 23 15
UEFA Champions League
UEFA Europa League
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